Kelly In Catty

This blog is Kell's attempt to keep in touch with friends far away who complain that I don't e-mail nearly enough.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Rockstar: Kellincatty

At this weekend's star-studded gig, I was visited by my friend, Gwen, and her family - husband and two children. I dig Gwen's kids. When her oldest son, Jake was six, he knew all the presidents... At 10, he audited a college class about palentology - and knew most of the answers when the teacher asked questions. When he was in Kindergarten, Gwen sent me a report Jake wrote called "Dinosaurs You May Not Have Heard About..."

Not astonishingly, I learned about many dinosaurs I HADN'T heard of.

Gwen and I met several years ago. She was the marketing rep for a company I did a television show for. We became fast friends - and continue to talk (even though neither of us are in those old jobs anymore.)

Jake asked Gwen, "How do you know Kelly anyway?"

She explained that we used to work on TV shows together.

Then Jake asked the question that indeed, made me feel like I've done something grand and exponential with my life:

"When did she quit television to become a Rock Star?"

Jake is so freakin' brilliant. I just love him.



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