Kelly In Catty

This blog is Kell's attempt to keep in touch with friends far away who complain that I don't e-mail nearly enough.

Friday, October 27, 2006

At The Chinese Buffet In The Mall

The other day, a co-worker and I went to the local Chinese Buffet. We love it there. It's fast, it's inexpensive, and the food isn't too bad...

Well, it's in a strip mall - and there's a pet store across the hall (no jokes please). Anyway, a young girl and her family were eating lunch at the table next to ours. When they got up to leave, I noticed she was carrying a bag of water - the kind you get at carnivals when you win a goldfish... So I commented to my co-worker (for no reason, actually...) "Ooh! Someone's got a fish!"

I spoke too loudly - because the girl swung around and glared at me. "It's NOT a fish. It's a FROG."

My mistake.



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