Kelly In Catty

This blog is Kell's attempt to keep in touch with friends far away who complain that I don't e-mail nearly enough.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New Toys

I just bought a new lens for my camera - so naturally, I had to test it out. I'm posting a few of my shots. I started with my garden, but eventually abused my band... They tolerate me much better than I could ever hope for!

Here's Dave, wondering why he must be put through my photographic experiments...

Here's Dave, waiting desperately for Fran and Scott to arrive - He's really getting sick of having his photo taken.

Finally - After all that practice and clicking away - Fran konked out on the chair, and the rest of us played music and watched American Idol (my idea, btw... Dave calls A.I. "That Karaoke Show," and Scott doesn't watch a whole lot... See? I told you they tolerate me (because I feed them, I think.)

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  • At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love the peony.

  • At 8:23 AM, Blogger Kell said…

    Cheers to my father, who came over on Sunday and told me what all these flowers were: Columbine, Johnny Jump Ups - Peonies - Irises... I'm plant helpless


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